I can’t find the Penta Power Roadmap. What happened?

Penta Power continues to evolve, which is why we have replaced our roadmap replaced with the new Penta Power radiation scan. . This new tool provides a practical, personalized plan for your specific situation and helps you identify the Penta Power Tags needed to neutralize radiation. Complete the Penta Power Radiation Scan here.

This radiation scan is simpler and more comprehensive than our former roadmap, but the core principles of the original roadmap are still present:

  1. Try to avoid radiation exposure as much as possible. Download our E-Book with 33 Tips to Avoid Radiation here.

  2. Transform the radiation from your own devices , such as telephone, computer, wifi, etc., at the source using the Penta Power Duo Tag and Penta Power Multi Tag, among others.

  3. Transform external radiation coming from such things as transmission towers, power lines and high-voltage cabs entering your home, using the Penta Power Home Tag. Use the Penta Power 220 Tag to transform radiation entering your home through the electrical grid.
    In this way, your home turns into a soothing oasis, free of external disturbing radiation, where you can feel completely at ease and healthy.

  4. When you are outside your home , also transform the radiation and strengthen your energetic field the Penta Power Gold Tag, Penta Power Pendant and Penta Power Jewels.

  5. Transform all energetic strain in and around the home using AQwaVit Water Vitaliser and AQwaVit Industrial Home Cleanse.

  6. Transform the accumulated radiation ballast in your own energy system with the CLEANSE 15 energetic drops from our DROPS 15 range.
Penta Power roadmap to neutralize all radiation