How can I best protect myself from radiation while traveling?

While traveling, you are usually exposed to a lot of radiation: on the plane, hotels, etc.

Therefore, we can recommend the following:

  1. Be sure to take one or more Penta Power Gold Tags with you in your carry-on luggage (can absolutely go in your carry-on luggage) and keep the Penta Power Pendant with you as well.
    Be sure to keep the Penta Power Gold Tag with you on the plane (as well as on the train). You can place the Gold Tag between your lower back and backrest or under your seat place.
    Hotels are usually heavy with radiation and metaphysical loads. Therefore, it is highly recommended to place the Penta Power Gold Tag(s) also at night on your bedside table or under your pillow .

    Radiation in aircraft
  2. During flight and travel, use plenty of AURA SPRAY 15 . This is allowed in carry-on luggage, in separate bag with all other liquids of maximum 100ml.

    In every hotel room you stay in immediately when you arrive, always spray plenty of AURA SPRAY 15 throughout the entire room and especially over your bed at night before you go to sleep. . Find more information about AURA SPRAY 15 here.
AURA SPRAY 15 protects and strengthens your aura