What is the Penta Power Radiation Scan?

The Penta Power radiation scan is a check-up of the living environment, detecting the electromagnetic radiation sources to which residents are exposed. New technologies are evolving at a rapid pace and are increasingly becoming part of our living environment, which is why a scan is preferably repeated annually.

Using this scan, any health risks caused by radiation in the short or long term, can be identified be identified. In addition, you will receive advice on how to prevent and address these risks .

Based on your answers to the radiation scan and our extensive knowledge and experience, we get to work and determine your radiation score .

Penta Power radiation scan radiation score

This personalized result comes about by calculating the following factors:

  • The mode of exposure, such as the number of radiation sources, their proximity and duration of exposure
  • The characteristics of the radiation source such as type and amount of radiation

Click here to complete the Penta Power Radiation Scan, it only takes 10 minutes of your time.

Identify sources of radiation in your environment with the Penta Power radiation scan