I don’t want to pay online. Can I also pay by bank transfer – wire transfer?

That is certainly possible:

  1. The easiest way is to place your order in our web shop. At the checkout you choose to pay by bank transfer – wire transfer . You will then be shown the instructions to pay. These will also be sent by mail. This allows you to make the payment from your familiar online banking application. Be sure to use the same payment reference when paying (the easiest way is to copy and paste it), otherwise the payment will not be recognized. Upon receipt of payment, the order will be sent.
  2. You can also send us an email at info@penta-power.com with:
    • the Penta Power Tag(s), the number of each, and in which color you want to order them
    • Your full name and address to which we may send
    • Preferably also a phone number where we can contact you if necessary
    • For business customers: company name and VAT number
    • Afterwards, you will receive an invoice by email. Upon receipt of payment with the structured communication, the order will be sent.

Please keep in mind that there is at least 1-2 business days delay between your payment and our receipt of payment.

Online banking pay with bank transfer